[hider=Crew Sheet][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dUvAN3i.png[/img] [color=Cyan][h3]Full Name[/h3][h2][i]'Crow'[/i][/h2][/color][/center][hr][h3][color=hotpink]Core Details[/color][/h3][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][color=violet] Michael "Crow" Statner[/color] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u][color=cyan]49[/color] [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u][color=yellow]Male[/color] [b][u]Species:[/u][/b][color=violet]Heavily Modified Human[/color] [hr][h3][color=cyan]Who are you?[/color][/h3] [color=Violet]Michael depending on the instance can look anything from a homeless cyber-pyscho, to a high-tech villain clad in massive black cybernetics and bearing glowing red eyes at a height of nine feet. His constant experimenting upon his own body, combined with how much travelling he has to do as well as changes in outfit make him oft unrecognizable on first glance. However if paying more attention, one can quickly discern the similarities beyond just judging a book by its cover. The way he swaggers arrogantly, yet as if he's not quite accustomed to his own legs. The sudden sagging of his proud shoulders the moment he feels in any way threatened — even the tone of voice that somehow manages to be ever so slightly nasal despite being rendered by a machine with no nose to interfere. Much like the ship of Theseus, perhaps no single part of the man remains original. But at the same time one sees a reflection of his true self: that post teenage, slightly pimply nerd that was so far in over his head. The clueless geek just lucky enough to get away with it, yet not lucky enough to do anything with it. The one constant of his life is his little cybernetic companion. While the cybernetics and gene enhancements certainly make it look odd in contrast to other birds, perhaps the most interesting part of its appearance is that the decades of its life have left its feathers an almost off-white grey. Bringing everyone a doubt regarding the man's sanity, he will often be found speaking to it to no response, sometimes even arguing. Upon the vessel, many would remark quite quickly that Michael is somewhat of a stalker. Keeping track of everybody's schedules, collecting fallen hairs or spit samples from plates, the likes. If asked why he needs this even when he would have blood samples in the event of medical care being needed, he would still insist this is simply to ensure he would be better prepared to help in an emergency. He will usually be almost annoyingly polite, and will avoid conflict whenever he can. The most he will do to express displeasure (unless he feels threatened) is to simply blare his choice of music at unbearable volume. Always arrogant and self-righteous, he will oft look down upon the crew when they break the law as is inevitable. The hypocrisy will rarely go explained by him, but those he truly trusts will simply be told that his goal and thus by extension he is above the law in his opinion. While many in the crew might find him an irritant, they may also find him quite invaluable once his talents are needed. [/color] [hr][h3][color=Yellow]What do you bring to the table?[/color][/h3][color=hotpink]Michael is a man of higher education. Physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, medicine. You name it, he's learned it while making damn sure he doesn't forget it by sticking it into a brain that is more than human. While he prefers to apply his skills and knowledge by dealing with things complex enough to interest his brief attention span outside of his own research, he can double as a secondary professional in many fields in a pinch. Doctor, ship mechanic, et-cetera, he has read the books on it through and through. To the crew more carefree with their bodies, he would offer to help them out by applying his experimentation with genetics and cybernetics to the world. Though if necessary he'll be more than willing to have people die to get his way, he insists on a pretense of pacifism to try keep an air of moral superiority. It is thus that he carries no true weapons about his body and unless cornered will run away from any fight that comes his way. If forced to fight however, he will rely on his cybernetics rather than any particular skill. Surgical blades and mechanical tools will slice and crush in melee, whilst from more distance his vocal emitter will become a sonic weapon and a cybernetic limb for running currents to restart hearts or deal with electronics will become a shock weapon of sorts. Finally a laser used for cutting open bodies to operate, for welding, and engraving, will suddenly find use to shoot or blind folk from afar. [/color] [hr][h3][color=Violet]What's your problem?[/color][/h3] [color=cyan]There are four main reasons for Statner to be a traveller as such. First and foremost, he is in quite a lot of trouble with the law. Ever since those experiments as a freshman in university, he's been on the run. Since then he hasn't ceased violating the laws of the Vangarian Empire and nature alike. From cooking up drugs for a quick buck to unlicensed surgery, he has quite the rep sheet across planets he has been to. Second, he has accumulated a great deal of debt from collectors licensed and illegal alike. Not eager (and after the years unable) to repay everyone he owes, he prefers to just run away and get in even more debt from new loans. Third, wandering the stars provides new experiences and things to learn from and research. New planets, new lifeforms, new technologies. The final reason is the one he would tell anyone who asks, is that all of his research into living things and how to improve them is with an altruistic goal in mind. When having free time on some world, he will frequently nip over to the slums or an orphanage to give an ailing person a free bit of healthcare. [/color] [hr][h3][color=yellow]Life in the crew[/color][/h3][color=Violet]Michael found the crew about a year ago when short of cash, he agreed to do some under the table augmenting for the son of a trade magnate. Yet, when the family were victims of a clever heist of the Guernica's crew, the commotion was just enough to make the Doctor's hand slip up and unfortunately kill the lad he was augmenting. Knowing well his life was forfeit if he stayed with the family, he caught up to the heisters begging and pleading for them to take him on as he was left with no options. After a sufficiently pathetic display pity was taken, and thus he found residence on the vessel. Though he doesn't care to be bogged down with any one particular task, he does find himself doing the odd jobs demanding brains and books that the more Samurai members of the crew wouldn't care for. Hacking here, patching up a faulty prosthetic servo there, he earns his stay while pursuing his inner goal of perfecting life. [/color] [/hider] Here is the most of the sheet. Depending on how much creative liberty we have for how we can describe the events that lead to the character appearing on the ship, I might slightly change the life in the crew section.