[GM Post] [i]"Whispers?"[/i] The baron's brows raised before scrunching together, trying to figure out what's going on there. He... couldn't figure it out. It's vague enough that he felt like it's an illusion born of his own mind. Well, whatever. He didn't know what Asevor's planning so he'll just go with the flow.[i] "I'm not really sure. I couldn't tell if I'm actually hearing something or my mind made it up after you said so."[/i] He shrugged, returning to the conversation at hand as Sir Jurgen insisted strongly to. [i]"I..." [/i]For a moment there Otto's brain traitorously whispered for him to tell the truth. Then self-preservation kicked in and he returned to his usual gear, cursing at how deceptive one's own mind could be. [i]"I'm afraid I hadn't got another guest aside from Mister Aster recently. That was very specific details though? Where did you get the information?"[/i] Right at that moment, the whispers seemed to abandon all pretense as it intensified. As if leading a prey by the nose before springing an ambush, those who intently listened was assaulted with a cacophony before a strong wave of drowsiness washed over them. Solomon and Veronica, being undead, was immune to the effect. Jazdia and Matilda both didn't even paid it any attention and only heard something akin to a low-volume scream before it abruptly cut off, as paradoxical as it was. The baron's head listed off to the side, out like a particularly thick log. Chounan, Yvonne, and Reinhold almost simultaneously faceplanted on their plate, no different than the baron himself. The sight repeated all over the room, crash and clang of cutleries and whatnot echoing as most of the servants also seemed to be knocked right out. A creak and dull thud marked the exit closing, followed by a telltale heavy clicking of the locking mechanism. Meanwhile, Jazdia's piercing gaze would spot a large movement as the men on the third floor marched down the stairs, with one particularly large specimen bounding his way down much faster than the methodical march of the rest of the group. A lone man in the second floor carefully closed a wooden box, the whispers seemingly ceased at the exact moment the lid went shut. Then he strolled to the stairs, behind the large man but ahead of the soldiers. So much for a peaceful breakfast, eh? Perhaps the sleepyheads can be shaken awake before they missed the party.