[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WHXxiGX.png[/img][/center] [hr] A mix of emotions had been welling up inside the foreigner for quite a bit now. Zenshin was still surprised with himself that he had decided to uproot his life and follow his dream. Despite leaving without trace in pursuit of his goal, the boy couldn’t help but feel guilty for disappearing. It wasn’t as though this would be the first time he has let his family down. The discourse within was akin to that of a raging storm. These were the thoughts that flooded Zen’s head as he crossed the kings bridge. As Zenshin approached his destination he could feel the anxiety settling in. Unsure of whether or not he made the right choice he was restless to see what the future held beyond this day. He had been tirelessly training for years on end, honing the gift of wielding snow magic. A rather rare phenomenon, he would be the first in his bloodline to possess 3 elements. A shaky smile formed on his face as he walked up to the knight who had been admitting participants into the arena. The man already seemed annoyed, go figure. He took one glance at Zenshin before dully going through his questioning. "Name?" [color=f7941d]"Z-Zenshin Ferros"[/color] "Hailing from?" [color=f7941d]"V-Valefor, Western Border"[/color] A notable sigh came from the man as if giving the young foreigner the time of day was a waste of his time. "Family Background?" "[color=f7941d]"Uhh..Ferros Family of Alchemists, we actually are a family that bre-"[/color] "You can move along now" the man said cutting him off coldly. [color=f7941d]"Oh...Okay"[/color] Zenshin's body felt warm out of embarrassment as he moved along, perhaps he had a long day already? Nonetheless this feeling passed away quickly as he disappeared into the crowd of participants. A large amount seemed to have been interested in joining the knights and they came in all shapes and sizes, a few extraordinarily sized. [color=f7941d][i]I wonder what they feed him[/i][/color], Zen thought to himself as he saw a few people standing out the crowd like trees. Others seemed extraordinarily in shape as it seemed like their clothes clung to well sculpted bodies. Safe to say Zenshin was feeling out of his element here, he was definitely taller than the average but lacked a proper frame as he was stick skinny. [i][color=f7941d]It'll be okay, just focus on yourself and it will work out.[/color][/i] the boy thought to himself as he made his way through the crowd.