I'd suggest looking at videos of both before buying either. Both have what I find to be very grating dialogue. High on Life is a lot of the weird "quirky" rambling shit that made Rick and Morty popular. Forspoken has a lot of sort of too cool to care, bland back and forths. Like that whole "they can fly now? They can fly now!" bit from whichever of the newer Star Wars movies that was in. High on Life is near constant blather so it shouldn't be hard to see if it's to your liking or not. Forspoken has a ton of videos and articles about its shit writing so it shouldn't be hard to suss out if you'd like it or not. Ex: High on Life - Language Warning, a lot of swearing [url]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IWqLmQbicR8[/url] Ex: Forspoken - Cringe Warning, extreme cringe, maximum oof, much seethe [url]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rhkQE6NKS6E[/url] That said from the early long ago ingame footage Forspoken did look to have fun traversal. I'm not interested in trying it, but maybe a sequel or future game by the creators. After they hire some writers. I hear Poohead is available. Bango, I hear you saying, it's not that bad. Kotaku Article Entitled : You Can Tell Forspoken To Shut Up (And Other Important Settings) [url]https://kotaku.com/forspoken-chatter-cuff-best-settings-parkour-1850029744[/url] Some of the other accessibility and Ease of Use options are nice though.