Meh. Hopefully they build on the traversal and fix the dialogue if they do a sequel. It also ran into issues with it being an "open world" game with a lot of "You have strayed from the path, returning to start point" type messages. I'd love to see something like another Shadow of Mordor using more of Forsaken's quick traversal. If they could combine the careful sneaking of Shadow of Mordor/War or Assassin's Creed with the speed and maneuverability of Forspoken that would be cool. Forspoken's story seems lame and reviews have mentioned the main characters lack of interest in exploring the world as an issue...but if they take criticisms to heart a sequel could be pretty cool, assuming MC is still stuck in the fantasy world at the end of the game. If they did like a "it's been four years and I'm still here" type of deal. Have her fighting whatever enemy or perhaps she's the ruler putting down whatever rebellion or expanding borders. Seems like a potentially interesting scenario. What becomes or Isekai 21/22 year old New Yorker when she can't go home and has all this power. If they hire competent writers.