Eva's bots immediately began moving as the ship shifted suddenly, rising and anchoring themselves as the ship rocked. After the explosive struck and it was clear the worst was not over, Eva's Rover dove to collide with the man who stumbled into her, attempting to stand over him as the contents of the bay shifted alongside them. The spiders did the same for the second man, clambering over him and holding them down so they didn't move as the ship rocked violently and flame eyed them hungrily. Eva didn't dare stand up until everything went frighteningly quiet, and her bots moved off their respective charges. The Rover looked down at the solder with his cut and emitted a quiet beep, shaking it's side to bring attention to the basic medical supplies it held on a pouch. "Look at that, I was exactly right. Don't get up too fast, a second volley could hit at any moment... good news though, we aren't dead. If you're still obsessed about our death the doors should open for you now that we aren't actively being shot at." Eva rose, snatching up the rifle the man had attempted to point at her. "Though I'll be keeping this, you like pointing it at things way too much. If you have problems with that ask my other three drones about it, Otherwise move on to the bridge and keep any sidearms put away." Eva sighed, the sudden quiet bothered her greatly, but they were alive and that was about all she could ask for.