[quote=@Webmaster] Then why... why don’t you love me enough to save yourself? Don’t you know how much that [i]hurts?[/i] [/quote] ....I wish it were as simple as that. Theres a dark, cold cloud that will always hang over me, love. What matters is how I manage the rain from it. And ive been managing poorly. My mind has been attacking me at every turn, despite my progress. In a way, I'm my own worst enemy. I truly do love you, dont mistake my weakness for selfishness. Its just... there's times I feel like giving up. Like everything I've fought for is on the presipice of breaking. And none of that is your fault. A lot of this damage was done well before you entered my life. Love... from the kindness and love you've shown me, I would love you until the end of time itself. Even in death, whenever that beast rears its head, I will always love you......