[h3]Polina Laye[/h3][i]Farisian Maid[/i] [hr] Polina ignored Lyssa’s flouting of her instructions, knowing that they would go unheeded. Instead, she checked on her young charge once more as she cuddled into her, clearly afraid of the pink-haired battle maniac maid. The Farisian maid mentally shrugged. She’d gotten through [[i]most[/i] of her own wartime mental trauma just fine, so she was sure the little girl would be able to as well, eventually. She gave her a pat on the head and proceeded to head back to camp with the others. They returned to their landing site to find the vicinity cleansed of demons, though not cleaned of the telltale signs of the dirty work. After making sure the girl was sufficiently alright, Polina settled in to sort her knives and blades into order before the radios were operational again. Although she was an expert at manipulating and summoning them from the folds of her dress, putting them back tended to be trickier, and she had to do the bulk of that manually. Before long, though, they had reestablished communications with their ship, and she the others met the craft at the edge of the city, with girl in tow. Polina didn’t quite know what she would do with her yet, but she suspected she might make a good maid-in-training, if she wasn’t overly traumatized… Of course, with the airship came Myrilla, and quite the tongue-lashing for some perceived tactical deficiency. Apparently, the woman was not a fan of her brand of force escalation. She spoke up, but not before slipping the head maid’s daughter yet another small bag of macarons, giving her a short glance to bring the two of them to an unspoken understanding that favors would be owed… namely keeping her mother in check after Polina opened her mouth. [b]“Permission to speak freely?”[/b] she asked, ever the strict adherent of… surface level formality, before continuing on once given the approval. [b]“From my perspective, it was a critically successful reconnaissance in force, with significant threat elements quickly identified and swiftly dispatched, ensuring a greater evacuation and recovery rate for the city’s inhabitants,”[/b] she helpfully clarified. She was serious, even if it was bullshit. She could spin the world’s biggest pile of bull with the straightest, most serious voice without missing a beat. But she wasn’t wrong, either! “More importantly, all mission goals were met, and ahead of time.”