"[color=7bcdc8]I prefers muh stick, bu' dis'll do. If'n I's gonna do a feller in, it gonna be done like a man. I ain't no beast girl. Ain't ya been payin' attention? I's only half bear.[/color]" He gruffed and took position near the wall opposite the others, where he would get full room to swing when cracking heads. "[color=7bcdc8]O'er half's man. Don' be fergittin. We kin talks about it la'er, af'er we kicks sum good-fer-nuthin's butts.[/color]" "[color=7bcdc8]Naptime's o'er ol' timer. Ya kin sleep when ya dead.[/color]" He huffed at Reinhold, before gently prodding him in the butt with the point of his new toy.