[center][color=778899][img]https://i.imgur.com/bA9v35A.png[/img][/color][/center] [@Crowvette] [hr] Wolf was paralyzed. Her words seemed to confirm what his subconscious had immediately realized. Wolf had imagined a day like this many times, imagined Alex waking up and what he'd say to her. Those daydreams never got terribly far. He didn't feel he deserved happy dreams. All he'd ever found himself left with were nightmares where she was gone forever. Even if she did wake up, why should he go anywhere near her? Wasn't this all his fault to begin with? Now here she was out of nowhere. Was this a dream or a nightmare? Or, surreal as it felt, was this actually reality for once? [color=778899]"I-"[/color] He thought to deny his identity, or apologize, but his gaze froze over her face. Since when... why? How? He pointed at her face. [color=778899]"You... have an eyepatch now?"[/color] His voice came out small and lost despite how he effectively towered over her. Everything felt so out of place.