Hey, I would like to get back into forum RPs after taking an extended hiatus. I can see that this thread is still marked as apply, but I wanted to more directly ask if this RP is still accepting new players or not? If it helps, I do have a character concept in mind, but it is someone who wouldn't really operate in New York City normally so I would need to finagle a reason for them to come over. Also, the character is a villainous legacy, albeit a very minor one that I imagine wouldn't even necessarily show up if I never said anything. More specifically, I was hoping to take a heroic (or perhaps more accurately, antiheroic?) spin on Flag Smasher, who might genuinely be my favorite Marvel character. I love Flag Smasher because he manages to mix batshit lunacy with an actually poignant anarchist-adjacent manifesto I would find far more agreeable if it wasn't filtered through said moon logic. I think the idealism and the lunacy are both integral parts of Flag Smasher, although since he's usually a villain, the latter wins out. In my interpretation, I'd be leaning more on the former. Flag Smasher would be someone who saw their diplomat father killed, and the rise of xenophobia in Europe* and the world writ large; and decide that the correct solution is to put on spandex to go help migrants trying to arrive safely on shore and beat up neo-nazis and the like. A superhero who is very much political, and actively seeks out a platform for their message on the job, but tries to not lose sight of helping out people in the meantime. I assume in reference to this RP's Captain America, given that this RP's interpretation just recently resurfaced, it'd make the most sense if Flag Smasher was relatively new on the scene too, with them having some kind of major one-sided rivalry against the First Avenger. Flag Smasher hates Captain America for tying himself up with nationalism, and Captain America is utterly confused why this random hero that should be on his side spends so much energy trying (and most likely failing) to one-up him. If y'all like this idea, I can try working on it this weekend. I shouldn't have much going on. *I think Flag Smasher being Swiss is an integral part of their character, given the country's association with international diplomacy and NGOs. Hence me being somewhat apprehensive because we currently don't have any other European heroes yet. But its not like they have to be in Europe all the time either. I'm also going to say I'm not the biggest fan of the MCU interpetation of Flag Smasher, so I'd be mostly sticking to the 616 version for inspiration, although as someone who prefers playing female characters in a vacuum, I might take the genderswap in mind at least.