Evren looked around at his crew. The captain wasn’t afraid that his crew would turn away from danger. As far as his knowledge went, most of them had danced with death before. What he did not know in advance was if people would have any moral objections working for Fat Pig. Vladimir Petrov is a well known scumbag that had no problems murdering people left and right. However most of his crew did not seem to have any reservations regarding doing a job for the infamous gangster. From luck it didn’t surprise the fox at all. The programmers who had built his AI seemed to have forgotten to implement a moral compass that went beyond the scope of the ship and its crew. However they did not forget to give the droid a sense of humor. [color=16CA03]”I’d hear that droid stew is a bit of a local dish here. However it tends to be a bit heavy on the stomach” [/color] Joked the captain with a smile. For a moment the captain listened to Darien, the ship’s physician as he frantically tried to make sense of what the man was saying. The doctor had a thick accent and was often using local words and phrases making him often hard to understand. Sometimes it was impractical but as long as he knew how to patch people up after being shot, it was good enough for Evren's book. A big plus of the bobcat was that he was a former military doctor who had worked on the front lines. From experience the captain knew that those people can work wonders with what little resources they have under difficult circumstances. Thinking about the Doc’s comments about Fat Pig being a gang leader made Evren realize the irony of working for him. The fox had more or less bought his ship in order to no longer have to work for assholes like the managers of megacorporations. It turns out that he now has to work for just a different kind of shithead to make ends meet. It made the man wonder if honest folk were a dying breed. [color=16CA03]”Yeah Doc, you heard it right. Petrov is a gang leader. A real big piece of scum. In more than one way.”[/color] As usual the Orangutan was mostly silent. She was a bit of a wallflower that struggled with being in the center of attention. The truth was that the fox knew very little about her but she has proven to be a competent mechanic. However it was hard to get an idea of what went really down inside her head. Even when she responded more or less positively to working for Petrov, the captain could not tell if she really meant it or if she just was giving the answer she expected that he wanted to hear. For now Evren decided not to press on the issue. He would like her to speak her mind freely but considering how she didn’t seem to be comfortable being in the center of attention, the fox deemed it more appropriate to do it in a more private setting. Anxi didn’t seem to be phased by the prospects of working for some gangster. She had worked for the USN navy, an organization that some would classify as a criminal syndicate, or atleast the security apparatus of an oppressive regime. Evren guessed that she was used to doing other people’s dirty work. For a moment the captain stared at the little pilot’s tail that moved playfully through the air behind her seat. [color=16CA03]”Making good money is the plan. We’re not going to work for free.”[/color] Since nobody voiced any objections against accepting the Fat Pig job, the captain set things in motion. [color=16CA03]”We’ll be meeting Petrov in Kharak Town. There we will discuss the details of the job such as where to pick up the cargo, where to deliver and the details around payment.”[/color] The fox paused a bit before he barked out some orders. [color=16CA03]“Anxi, contact Kharak Town spaceport and ask permission to land and get us to the ground asap. Once we land we’ll be meeting Fat Pig first. After that we stock up. Luck, run an inventory check on fuel, food and fresh water stocks. I want the Dauntless to be stocked for at least four weeks of flying. Karma, check if we need additional spare parts for the ship. Darien, how is the medbay’s inventory? I don’t know how long we will be flying so better make sure we’re prepared.”[/color] Evren looked down on the brown yellow planet beneath. The weather of Taxore could be treacherous. Especially the sandstorms. They could ofcourse rent an enclosed hanger but that would cost a lot of coin. Better was to get off the planet as fast as possible. [color=16CA03]”If possible I want to depart on the same day. I don’t want the ship to get caught up in a sandstorm. Then we’d be cleaning the engines for the coming week.”[/color]