For a few moments, Fio said nothing. Of course she was a little concerned about the Queen's absence, but given how tired she was and what she'd just experience, the chief emotion she was now experiencing was annoyance above all else. Well, if she wasn't going to be here, then she could hardly complain when Fio marched over to the bed, grabbed one of her pillows, and say down, angrily hugging it against her chest. "[i]Hmph[/i]," she let out a huff, her feet kicking back and forth irritably, "I go through all that effort and collect information we probably wouldn't have gotten any other way, and she can't even be here to hear it? That's not very royal behavior at [i]all[/i]." Struggling in the mud and dealing with Cethlann's attitude, and now she couldn't even divulge her findings until Sorcha decided she felt like staying around? The pillow was squeezed tighter, Fio's feet kicking faster with her irritation. Of course. Of course she had to leave. At this point the Sword Witch was certain that the queen was completely fine, but now of all times, when she was this tired, when she was this annoyed, when she had to finish up dealing with all [i]that[/i], she couldn't even share what she'd worked so hard to earn. "[i]Hmph.[/i]" [@Rune_Alchemist]