What the hell kind of question is that? How good is she? How [i]good[/i] is she? Utter nonsense. Smokeless Jade Fires is not in this moment a goddess. There is nothing particularly powerful or overwhelming about her, with her presence so specifically directed at a single topic like this. She is a mewling, needy, besotted maiden. And you are asking if Mira of the Fisher Clan, Whose Star Name is Whispered Promise is at all adept at pleasuring a girl and piloting a mech at the same time. It's never been so easy in her entire life: for once they are the same thing. Accomplished by the exact same mechanism. Every now and again she needs to stop what she's doing to pinch or slap or spank her operating system into fresh submission, but this hardly counts as a distraction. A single external weapon. No moving parts outside of basic limb articulation. A full arm's worth of motion completely missing from the range of available inputs. No targets, as of yet, to even need to dodge and weave around. Frankly this would be harder without the leg drumming, squealing, muffled brat behind her fighting so hard to cling to whichever scrap of dignity she still thinks she has left. Frankly she needs the extra actions to keep her hands busy. APM is a sacred art, you know. Without it, one's reaction speed plummets into the realm of mere mortals. She has been here before. She is... practiced. She can make a girl moan, make her squeal, make her drip and shiver and beg. All while ignoring the physical sensations that get pushed back onto her. Mirror requires no reciprocation. The terms of the contract do not allow for it. This is, after all, not about her. It never is. Maybe, if the goddess mumbled [i]her[/i] name. But alas, she is in love. She is so drenched in love that she is less than a puppet, and so desperate that her higher thoughts have fled her prodigious electronic mind completely. Alas. And yet, there is beauty in the obsession. In this vision so tunneled she doesn't even attempt to make the comment about Mirror's bizarre control scheme or the particularities of her request. Smokeless Jade Fires doesn't even wonder what kind of payment it will take to finally satisfy the Whispered Promise. She simply lusts. She simply grinds. She simply reaches out toward the stars with a hand that is not her own, and will not obey her commands. But it is thrilling, nevertheless. Mirror's heart pounds joy through her body with a rush of pleasure so total it approaches pain. She could lose herself in this, if she chose to. She has never piloted a mecha with such a powerful Crystal Fire Drive before. Even her precious Nine Drive System does not compare. The sensation of forward momentum is so powerful it slashes through the synthweave and pushes her backwards through the cockpit. "Yes yes, you poor pathetic thing. We're on our way to take back your precious Seven Quetzal. I wonder what that adorable little saint will have to say when she sees you like this? Excited, no doubt. She must thrill to see her Goddess so... exposed. At last, honesty~" Mirror draws the energy blade and twirls it through the void space in front of her as she guides Smokeless Jade Fires in the direction of the unintelligible signal and the immanent battle waiting on the other side of it. Truthfully she has never felt so in control or powerful as she does right this second. Ah, Little Goddess. Do you think that this is bliss? Just wait until she guides you through a battle. Your holy blessings will drench the cockpit so thoroughly your little priestess will not be able to use this place for weeks without needing a shower just to clear her head.