[center][h1]Luck, First Officer[/h1][/center] Luck focused a camera in on each member of the crew in turn as they spoke. The Doc, rather amusingly, spoke in an almost indecipherably thick accent; a raroty on these days of homogenised culture. Even despite the Doctor's best efforts Luck still got the gist of what he was saying, and Luck was pleased to hear of his stubbornness to stay with them, even if they are working with criminal sorts. Luck always liked the military type. Whether it be their kindred mental machinations or the fact they tended to be loyal and single mindedness he did not know. Next came the Orangutan, Luck really did not know about her. And he was slightly disgruntled to hear her half-hearted response. He held back from laying into her as he really did not know her, but that sort of vague non-commital response always rustled Luck's rivets. Speaking of he needed his standard maintenance session in a few days. Maybe with the perceived intimacy of the act he could talk to her, get to know her a bit. In the process he wiuld display himself as vulnerable to her and hopefully that would help build trust. Maybe in a one on one setting she would open up a little more. Exactly what the FO needed if he was going to trust her to perform maintenance of him and his ship. The pilot came next, again an unknown factor to Luck, but she struck him as slightly airheaded. Amusing at best, incompetent at worst. Still she struck him more to the amusing side of the scale than the other way, so he wasn't particularly bothered. She seemed to be good at her job, but they had yet to do any real flying so he had yet to probably judge her. The Captain issued his orders. Luck gave a polite chuckle about his 'droid stew' joke. He hoped to build up a healthy rapport with the whole crew, especially the captain. Despite him just having done a stock check, he did not tell the captain this. It was unnecessary information. Instead he got on with his other duties with a curt, [colour=Cyan]"Yes, Captain."[/colour] He sat down at his bridge station, combination Nav and Comms. First off he plotted a simple orbital course down to Kharak Town. He sent this over to the pilot's console. Next up he checked Kharak Town's orbital tag and found the contact details for the harbour master and precise solar coordinates. He contacted the harbour master of their incoming ship and sent encrypted details of their descent and dimensions to the harbour master. He arranged a scheduled transfer out of the ship's funds for the mooring fee and requested the mooring encryptions. Next he transmitted the solar coordinates and the time offset to the pilot's console and shut down his console. Next was the issue of restocking. There were supply vendors at the space port no doubt, but Luck was a frugal bastard and he wouldn't waste valuable funds on jacked up convenience prices. He would go wholesale, hire some guy with a truck and buy straight from the source. For now he contacted a farm and ordered 4 weeks worth of all the staple foods. Meat, root vegetables, brassicas, rice, flour, other such. Finally when he was done contacted a solid fuel merchant he calculated the costs. It would be a decent chunk of their remaining funds. He sure hoped this job would pay out well, and that he could get a biyer for his 'goods'. When he was done he wandered off to the mess and began preparing a large meal for the rest of the crew, a traditional Hocatan meal made of meat and sweet purple fruits, with a side of toucan (a traditional naval side dish).