"We're getting on the road just as soon as you're ready," he replied. When she was done in the mirror, he smiled at her, then made for the door. They went around Grasscroft, Zara got some breakfast and a few extra rations. When Isaac found out that Zara had left his knife back in the apartment block they'd stayed in the night before, he shrugged it off and they went to the weapons shop to get a replacement for him and one for her. Isaac secured his new knife onto his belt. It wasn't nearly as quality as his last one, but it would do for the time being. He'd wait to get a really good one from Katie Wensdale at Liberty Point. No doubt she'd have a few lying around at the General Store. After that, they hit the road. The sun beamed down on the dusty road, the wasteland vista of wreckage and dirt going on for miles. Isaac remained vigilant on the surround, his eyes constantly scanning left and right as he walked. "Brixton's a quaint little town, if I remember right," he told Zara. "Not so far off the main trade route that they're unwelcoming of visitors. But it's not a big place, and it'll likely go by the Sheriff's law and wasteland justice, so we should be careful - stay out of trouble, ye know." He gave her a glance, then looked back on the road. "We go in, get some details on the job, get it done, get paid. Light work and we're out before sundown." Wasteland justice meant no jails for criminals, just exile or death... usually death. People didn't usually waste time with arguments and fist fights. And town folk didn't often side with visitors or their own. It was worth explaining in advance. They walked for an hour on the big roads before turning off the main trade routes and heading toward Brixton. They arrived in good time and went to the Sheriff's office. "Hey," Isaac greeted as he walked in. There was an old man who was sat with his feet up on the desk. Two more younger men lounged about on chairs in the room. It was obvious which was the sheriff and which two were deputies. "We're here about the pest problem." "Uh, good. Had my deputy post that job just yesterday. Grasscroft always sends them in good time." The Sheriff took his feet off the desk and explained the siutation. "Mole rats breeding like mutants down in god knows which sewer. Rodents keep coming up and chewing up the wires at the town generator. We ain't got the resources to keep fixing the damn thing and none of our guys can pin down the exact location of the nest to nip the problem in the bud." "Uh huh," Isaac nodded. Seemed simple enough. He negotiated the pay without any hassle too. "Alright gentlemen, we'll get to it. Should be done by evening." "Oh yeah," one of the deputies said, looking Isaac and Zara up and down. "You that good huh?" Isaac smiled at the deputy, let the question hang in the air for a few moments, then looked back to the Sheriff. "By evening, Sheriff." And with that, they left and headed for the town entrance. This would be a good lesson in tracking and shooting for Zara. "That went smoothly enough," he said to her. "How are you holding up? Y'okay?"