[@KaliW] [hider=quoted from your sheet] Powers/Abilities: Kairo, also known as "Red X", has the power to distort perceptions through the projection of red light. This allows him to put those who see it into a state of illusion, where they perceive and experience things that are not real. In addition to this, he has the ability to glow his eyes in red, inducing a hypnotic state in those who gaze upon them. [b]This hypnosis makes the affected individuals unable to harm Kairo, while also causing them to feel romantic and sexually attracted to him.[/b] Kairo's powers are a result of his contract with the demon Trigon, granting him immense control over the perceptions and emotions of those around him. [/hider] Hey, I'd love more information about this. Especially the bolded. NGL, it's kinda weird.