[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/xC5YjVJWYVLtzVLzqskMAdLcZ1eSTk8gYr-2H6iIpEE/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/230130/91d40e48b7c17b05912bd8f581fda8bd.png[/img][/center] [color=00ffff][b]Location[/b][/color] Rooftop [color=00ffff][b]Interactions[/b][/color] Kassy, team comms [hr] This was it. This is what she trained for. Once they touched down, Cora put on her helmet and took things in. Roughly a month had passed since she first walked into Mount Justice, and now it was finally time to put all that training to good use. A bank robbery normally didn't seem like anything particularly dangerous, but people normally didn't focus on the people involved. Besides, this bank was fucking [i]massive.[/i] If she messed up now, lives could be lost. That couldn't happen, and if anyone [i]did[/i] up today, she just hoped it wasn't her. Metamorph seemed to know what he was doing, so Cora felt like he could trust him to keep things from falling apart. With Nymph already gone and scouting ahead, that just left Mirage and herself to get moving. Cora felt... Intimidated by Mirage, but she seemed cool. [color=00ffff]"Meet you over there."[/color] She told Mirage, and ran towards the hatch, and she seemed to start floating just after she took off. Current flowed through Stormcaller's body like a wire, allowing her to move through the air rather than on foot. Cora weaved her way around all of the AC structures and usual rooftop obstacles, and landed by their destination quickly. Cora peeked the hatch open ever-so-slightly and looked down in, before closing it back. [i][color=00ffff]"I'm here, looks safe to go in. Nymph, you okay in there?"[/color][/i] Cora asked over their comms. Something smelled like burnt rubber...