The diagnostic panel was shot. Literally shot. Karma was half-afraid to ask what had happened to it? But until she had the time to repair it, she'd have to do a manual check. Fortunately for her, she had fourteen years experience running manual checks. Each ship they'd bring into the yard would have one critical component pulled to keep the prisoners from using it to escape - and the diagnostic panel would tell the prisoners exactly what component that was, so they weren't allowed to check it. They'd also drain most of the fuel, leaving just enough to get it into and out of the yard. Since her escape, she bet they now drained all the tanks before letting one of the mechanic prisoners in. But it was a good thing the Dauntless was on the ground. The auxiliary oxygen generator wouldn't turn on. The APU's batteries were half dead. Various components on the engine were wearing out and needed replacement, now. And if there was a fire, forget the fire suppression system. Karma sighed, wiping the grease off her hands. The Dauntless needed an overhaul. Overhauls need money for parts and labor. Judging by the state of the rest of the ship, money was in very short supply. She'd take the captain a list of what was needed, but she'd probably need to raid the local boneyard to find parts the ship could use.