[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] Thrinax, huh...? She had to wonder if that one was still alive, but she'd never really had a reason to try and find him... really, most people only ever sought out dragons when they were causing problems. "I once went where Erhan Lyn used to be, but I didn't see any sign of him." Which was only to be expected. The fortress had been destroyed for [i]years[/i], she'd been looking for a particular vampire at the time, and dragons preferred mountainous regions. Talderia had been low-lying even [i]before[/i] the entire city became a pit in the middle of southern Ithillin; not exactly the place a dragon was likely to be hanging around. Unless he was bound to some sort of promise to come to the fortresses' aid, but she hadn't heard any stories that would suggest that was the case. Or maybe they'd never been under sufficient direct attack before Erhan Lyn was lost? It was hard to say. A blush stood out [i]incredibly[/i] clearly on her pale skin. "W-Well, I don't have any friend as impressive as Thrinax. But Elionne got me a bunny once, and we named it Elei." Which was, in turn, part of the name of a minor rabbit-eared folk deity. Probably some lesser divine spirit that hung around the elves a lot, with the full name being Eleinwyl.