"Yeah, I did," Ethan replied. "We're good to go." He glanced over his shoulder when he heard something. "Let's hurry. Who knows how many of those things there are." Morrison nodded to agree and led the way out. Barrow waited for the young ones to follow so he could guard the rear. One lesser demon crossed their path, but Morrison quickly took it out. At least there were no more vampires on the inside, but it still wasn't safe outside. He heard something that sounded like a sheep or a goat. Bait, probably. This place was set up for demolishment, and anything they could lure inside before it happened was a monster less to worry about. He hoped they had only placed animal baits... he shook his head. Of course they had only placed animal baits, the few times they had used human bait was when a team was ready to defend the bait.