As Akyasha miraculously dodged the cannon blast, she heard and saw the impact from gunnery. A feat that could only truly be achieved in this area by Giselle. The creature, from the last hit and the gunfire, did not attempt to stand from it's fall. Akyasha sighed lightly as she heard the inside of the shack start to crumble and some part collapsed. It was on fire and the crash left her feeling ill at ease. Giselle was around and in fact, she came up to her from somewhere. "Giselle. A human girl. Smart though..." The cleric went silent for some seconds before looking over the building before then nodding for Giselle to follow. She lead her vampire sister over to a small hole she spyed in the wall, peering inside. "Girl. Batty?" It was easy enough to notice them as she saw the two trying to check where the door had been! "Over here Girl, Batty!" The cleric said, swinging her blood-axe at the hole to make a bit more space so an adult could just run out. Not enough to make the structure unstable though. "Hurry up you two! We gotta get clear!" She was worried that beast was going to stand again, soon.