“Do you want a drink?” The princess pauses, suddenly still. The neck of a bottle rests against the mouth of a glass, in honor of the deeds their own have done. She does not tilt. Not until her love nods, mute, stricken. A small, pained nod. And then the wine sloshes gracelessly into the cup (it’s as if she never learned) and Redana gently but insistently pulls Bella down to sit next to her. You are included, she does not need to say. I’m here. “I’ll fight them all for you,” she does say, louder than she thinks. Water, then, and stirred. Not straight. Not for Bella, not right now. “You couldn’t beat us when you were alone,” she adds, feeling out the thought as it leaves her lips. “We were working together. You were angry and scary and all you had at your back were owls and mice. But as soon as you and your sisters stopped pulling each other apart, we brought… [i]her[/i]… down. Together.” A squeeze, and then she lifts the cup to her lady’s lips, in exactly the sort of way that every hero here recognizes. Such is the conduct befitting a knight.