[indent][indent] [center][img]https://imgur.com/kK8sfuH.png[/img][/center] The city itself didn't stand out in any meaningful way and Etor wasn't sightseeing. Trying to gauge where any additional enemies might be lurking he walked forward with vigilance and almost walked into Ninil while he was looking at an archer stationed at a tower on the far side of the wall. [b]Etor:[/b][i] "Oh. Hey Ninil. Everything going okay for you all? " [/i] Etor kept looking around at the other enemies stationed about so he wasn't really looking at Ninil when he was asking his question. Since he always felt nonchalant around Ninil he felt comfortable that Ninil wouldn't be slighted by the lack of eye contact on the battlefield. Best to keep eyes on the enemy after all. [center][sub][i]Etor moves 6 tiles to [b]17-14[/b] [/i][/sub][/center][/indent][/indent]