[center] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjg4LmYwYmRjZi5Ubmx0Y0dnLjA/nebulo.demo.webp[/img] [color=Crimson][h2]AND[/h2][/color] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjExNi5iODEyMTIuVVhWcGRtVnkuMA/narrow-arrow-typeface.regular.webp[/img][/center] [color=Crimson][b]Location:[/b][/color] Star City Bank, 34th floor [color=Crimson][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Zatara, Stormcaller [hr] Will turned his eyes from the lit phone screen. A quick lump in the throat was quickly swallowed. He held out his gloved hand to her and she dropped the phone into his palm. [color=9e0b0f]"Friend."[/color] He showed her the screen before writing another message. A bow and arrow emoji, a blonde beard emoji. [color=9e0b0f]"We go down. More than money here."[/color] Will started to hand her the phone back but then he got a good glimpse at her eyes, framed by her domino mask. He pulled the phone back and typed out: [color=9e0b0f]"But help people first."[/color] Quickly he handed the phone back to her and started crawling through the shafts. He was keenly aware of how close behind him she was. He wasn't exactly expecting to run into someone here while he was working, let alone - [color=Lightgreen][i]Her friend...?[/i][/color] Ohh... [i]a[/i] friend of Green Arrow. Daphne felt stupid and noticed the emojis, quickly putting the two together. Daphne found it hard to believe Green Arrow would send his protege on a mission like this by himself. But unless he was also crawling through a ventilation vent somewhere that was exactly what it looked like. It puzzled her, it didn't make sense. [color=00ffff]"I'm here, looks safe to go in. Nymph, you okay in there?"[/color] Daphne stopped shuffling and pressed on her earpiece with one hand to respond. [color=Lightgreen]"Yes I'm alright...I.."[/color] She debated how to explain the situation. She was aware that the way she cut off on comms earlier might have issued for some unwarranted panic. [color=Lightgreen]"I encountered two hostage takers on the 36th floor, they were issued orders to search the top floors by their superior. They searched the cubicles but I was there just minutes before. There were no civilians."[/color] She looked up ahead at Green Arrow's protege. [color=Lightgreen]"They didn't spot me and took the elevator down, but I don't know where they got off."[/color] Will stopped trudging along the shaft when he heard the pink suited hero behind him start to speak. It was clear she wasn't speaking to him, but the rest of Oliver's junior league team. Will didn't know who was on the roster, who she would be speaking to now. But he did know that the entire team was likely on the same comms channel. He waited to see if she would tell the rest of the team that she was currently in a vent with a stranger. He hoped she wouldn't. He wasn't on this team, and wasn't sure he was really interested - despite Ollie's suggestions. He was settled in his role in Star City. Why ruin a good thing? He cleared his throat - should he put on a hero voice? [color=9e0b0f]"Uh...miss? Thanks, I'm not up for broadcasting that I'm here with you and your friends. I've t-tussled with these guys before and the hardware they've got is no joke. D-do you have a hero name? What do I call you?"[/color] The hooded hero was glad she didn't share their encounter with the Team, but she wasn't sure she felt the same. Her doubtful expression was mostly hidden by her mask. She nodded in response to his question about her name. [color=Lightgreen]"I do, it's Nymph."[/color] He seemed to know more about the robbers than the Team did. She wanted to find out what else he knew, before sharing it with her friends. If the weapons they used were really as dangerous as he said, the Team had to know. There was a nervous undertone to the way he spoke. Daphne attributed it to the situation they were in. [color=Lightgreen]"And what is your name? What else do you know about these guys?"[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Quiver. Red Arrow was taken."[/color] Quiver - whose real name was Will - kept his voice to a hush as he readjusted in the vent. [color=9e0b0f]"Green Arrow and I wrangled up a few of them a little while back, but clearly not all of them. The tech they're using? It's advanced. A threat even to enhanced metas."[/color] Quiver turned to look back at Nymph if only for a second. [color=9e0b0f]"If it's your team that's engaging with them outside now, let them know."[/color] Now that there was a whole squad of heroes, it was certain that they'd be able to get the hostages out unharmed. Especially if - [color=9e0b0f]"Nymph - GA and I gathered a few of these weapons, a handful of them ran almost entirely on an internal powersource, not gunpowder. There's no telling which ones, so my emp arrows may go to waste. Anyone on your team that can emit an emp burst? That could disarm at least a few baddies down there.[/color] A chill ran down her spine when he told her about the capabilities of the weapons at play. Viktor and Zach were most likely fighting them now. If what Quiver was saying was true they would never run out of ammunition. They could just keep going at it until their opponent was exhausted. She almost regretted asking the question, feeling worried for her team members on the outside. [color=Lightgreen][i]There might be...[/i][/color] Daphne suspected Cora might be able to do something like that. An electromagnetic pulse. They could discuss that later, first she had to warn the outside squad. [color=Lightgreen]"Possibly, we'll have to come up with a plan when we reunite with my squad."[/color] [color=Lightgreen]"Nymph to Zatara. The robbers are using weapons that are weak to electromagnetic influence. Try using lightning to disable them."[/color] They reached another shaft exit. Quiver moved the roster out of the way and jumped out to help her down. Quiver landed first out of the vent exit and scanned to make sure it was empty. Everything looked clear. He looked back up at her in the shaft in order to signal her to come down, but she was already jumping, and he was very much in her way. [color=9e0b0f][i]"Oh god."[/i][/color] He thought, lifting his arms up. He caught her, albeit awkwardly. Awkward enough for two teenage new acquaintances. She was light in his arms, but her positioning - he couldn't quite tell where is hands were. He almost immediately put her back down onto the floor and quickly hurried over to the window, pretending to be scanning for any of the enemies. In reality he was simply bright red and didn't want her to see. Daphne brushed off some dust from her costume. She felt a flush creep onto her face and her cheeks were warm. She tried to shrug it off and focus on establishing their location. Everything looked exactly like the 36th floor. They got out on the North side with a long reaching view of Star City. Daphne spotted a gold lined plague on one of the marble pillars. It read 34, the 34th floor. [color=Lightgreen]"We should lay low for a while. Wait for Metamorph and my squad..."[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Alright. I'll do as you say for now. But I can't stick around and play justice league."[/color]