[center][h1][color=035C02][b]Takin Bent[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZeOsU5c.png[/img][/center] [color=035C02] "Finally, a drink and some sense." [/color] Takin took the mug from the very large man and swallowed it down in big gulps. Wiping the froth from his upper lip and belching, he looked to the woman who knows business and has taken hold of the conversation. As she gestures to the fox man standing awkwardly to the side, he turns and gives him an appraising look. Lean and of middling height, the man does not strike an impressive silhouette if it was not for the mask covering his face. He has an air about him that implies either wisdom or mischief, with Takin leaning towards the latter. Quickly however, Takin finds his mind wandering as the curious fox has nothing useful to say before his attention being brought back by him blowing a large smoke cloud over the group. [color=035C02] "You do parlor tricks then? Do you also make the smoke run around in the shape of horses to entertain children? I have no doubt you hold your skills in great regard, however, I am unsure how our strengths will play together." [/color] Turning back to the group, he regards each for a moment, making sure they are settled and focused for once. He knows the place for banter but now is a time for business, that being the business of killing. [color=035C02] "Speaking of strengths, simply put, that is where mine lie. Strength. Strength in body as well as the blade. I may be small, it has not escaped my notice that I am the smallest here, but I assure you that does not bely the extent of my strength. As for the sword, this blade of mine," [/color] He gestures over his shoulder at the dark blade which exceeds his own height. [color=035C02]"Can be wielded properly by me and me alone with no handicap by its size. I am team Lizard Fuck as previously stated and I do not excel in the planning of attacks. If it benefits the others, I am more than willing to initiate the fight so information can be gathered, do not mind my health."[/color] At that, he sits back in his chair, crosses his arms and nods to the man next to him, signifying his speech is finished.