[@DarckLeon][@AThousandCurses] It would've been inaccurate to say that Kauro was distracted. Or maybe he was? Kauro's thoughts were a racing, jumbled mess and yet, at the same time completely hyper focused on Strange Gospel. How could he not after everything he saw? There were so many questions that just needed to be answered! His blood was pumping, adrenaline deluged his body as he walked through the sunset-kissed streets of the city. It was a strange sort of joy, something that was manic, yet such a high that it was almost unbearable. Was it his heartbeat or was it that world's he heard? Kauro wandered aimlessly focused only on his thoughts until he noticed the sound of a chime and the glow of florescent lights from above. He just stood there for a solid second to realize that he just walked into a market without much thought. His head was completely somewhere else though now it started to anchor itself back down to reality. Would it be weird if he walked into a store only to just walk out without buying anything? Yeah, it probably would be weird. Just for the sake of not looking out of place, Kauro just perused the aisles. Still, he could hear the heartbeat thump softly in the background. This was probably the point when the students would disappear. If they made contact with whatever that world was, it must've meant he was going to be pulled back in soon. The reality has been breached and he was marked by whatever entity was in control of Strange Gospel if the repeated beating of the heart was an indication. The question was when he would be claimed. Would it be so bad though? It's not like he had much reason to stay. Kauro grabbed a can of coke from the drinks section and walked over to the checkout. The cashier was some black- haired kid around his own age. Strangely enough, he looked familiar, but he was not sure where he would have seen him. Maybe from school? Who knows [color=7ea7d8]"Hi, I'd like to get some chicken,"[/color] he said pointing at the glass case convivence store fried chicken and other foods.