Greetings fellow adventurers! I am new to this site, although I have RPed in the past on other forums here and there. I'd like to think that I'm an advanced roleplayer, but in reality I just have a love/hate relationship with writing. I'm hoping to find some writing partners out there with similar interests. I’ll write in 1v1 or group threads: I find both quite fun. I write both protagonists and antagonists - I love to brainstorm on character building through interactions with both. My genres are mainly high fantasy and "semi-dark" fantasy, but I would love to expand into more sci-fi as well. I write both serious stories and comic stories. (Fair warning: I’m a Terry Pratchett fan.) I’m also a big nerd – Dungeons and Dragons, video games, hedgehogs, nature, science and making music are my happy place. Here’s a sample of my writing that might help you decide if you’d care to write with me or not. Thank you and happy writing! [The former Dr. Danoud turned her gaze from the endless dots of stars outside Lumina's cockpit window to the augmented reality image floating like a ghost in her peripheral vision. A slightly-modified image of herself stared back with digital lifelessness. To the right of the image was a floating window of falsified data concerning her identity; a fake address, falsified date of birth, and what was to become her new name: Praxa. A new identity was an easy enough thing to purchase on the InterGalacticNetwork, even for someone who was usually above dealing with the criminal elements. How much harder was it going to be to rebuild a hard-earned reputation left smoking in a devastated corporate laboratory?]