[color=000000][b][center]DARKEN THE SKIES PREPARE THE MAIDEN CAGE THE IMMORTAL BEGIN THE HUNT ----------- [img]https://i.imgur.com/gdEI4mP.png[/img] ----------- [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpFt6SGYGPQ[/youtube] -----------[/center][/b][/color]Welcome to Sleepless Nights, sort of the continuation of my roleplaying white whale. Inspired by series like Lobotomy Corp/Library of Ruina/Limbus Company being the biggest, Chainsaw Man, some other manga here and there, and some RPs that have since been lost to time. The fastest way I could explain the themes of the story would be gothic cyberpunk. I'm playing pretty fast and loose with technology. The general rule of thumb is that it kind of sucks. Sure, you can fully replace your body in its entirety, but are you really willing to deal with your former senses in absentia? Though, my main limit with technology is that it must be something [i]physical[/i]. Guns and chainsaw halberds yes, beam weapons no. There's also the gothic side of the RP. Characters have access to magic, a system that's deeply personal yet utterly incomprehensible within the world of Sleepless Nights. They also face monsters that must be dealt with in their own specific ways. Characters will play the role as a new cleaner: guns-for-hire that hunt down the supernatural in a world that's quite infested with them. Life in the world of Sleepless Nights is harsh. For those on the outskirts of the city, they live under the constant expectation of toiling. The mind-numbing factory work beats corvée labour. Criminals are shipped off to the great ruins beneath the city to carve what resources they can out of the previous incarnation of the city. Those of the inner districts have better prospects, yet live even further beneath the boot of the politik. They'd make their bones under an established office designed as an incubator for new cleaners at first and, hopefully in the future, can branch out a little and have each character have a pretty big amount of agency and control within the RP. Of course, supernatural aren't the only threat to the city. Immortals live alongside man. Were it not for the fact that the supernatural are drawn to immortals to the point of cataclysm, perhaps man and immortal could live in peace. Unfortunately, they can not. The hunters must imprison immortals in metal coffins to ensure that the supernatural does not blight the cityscape. Hopefully, we'd get on a regular weekly post schedule. Anyways, I can answer any questions.