Sorry about the delay. Some things came up. [@Steel Legion] I'm still not 100% sold on the karate thing. Even if she covers herself in her racing leathers as a way of defense/protection, she'll likely struggling with the heat instead as the months roll on in the RP. Summer in Virginia Beach is supposed to be hot and humid, with temperatures close to high 80s Fahrenheit. Additionally, I feel it'll probably be uncomfortable wearing the same outfit constantly, both in terms of cleanliness and general comfortableness due to wearing leather racing gear all day. Considering how central this is to the character, I think I'll have to decline Flea. [@Theyra] Accepted. [@Eviledd1984] Personally, I'm hesitant to accept because of his background. Biographies such as his tend to lead to edgy-like characters that the player(s) try write being all rough and tough. But considering you wrote in that Trejo is trying to turn a new leaf, I think I'll give him a chance here.