[color=A0A0A0][h2]Fleuri Jodeau[/h2][/color] Fleuri turned his full attention towards the newly arrived warrior. [color=A0A0A0]"This must be the very large warrior that the Nem mentioned,"[/color] he remarked to his fellow knights. Indeed, the man before them was quite large, and even if his axe wasn't bearing a dangerous enchantment, he looked to be quite a formidable foe. Fanilly ordered for a few of their number to deal with this warrior so the others could push forward. The Ingvarr knight Steffan was the first to volunteer, moving to engage the bearded axeman. His opponent wasn't going to go down easily, and with that enchanted weapon in an enclosed space, it was too dangerous to leave this to one knight. Fleuri didn't have the opportunity to vocally convey his intention to stay, because he needed to act immediately. As the warrior charged at Steffan and swung his magical axe, Fleuri moved to flank from the right side. The moment that the explosion finished its course, the knight moved in and thrust his greatsword at the warrior's torso just beneath the arm, aiming to stab his sword between the armor joints while the man's arms were extended forward. Whether or not he was able to penetrate the man's armor, he'd immediately withdraw his sword and step back after making the stab- he needed to stay out of the range of that axe, because attempting to block or parry it would end in disaster. [@Rune_Alchemist][@VitaVitaAR][@Conscripts]