[h3]Polina Laye[/h3][i]Farisian Maid[/i] [hr] Quite frankly, Polina thought going in and shooting every demon she saw [i]was[/i] a viable and effective strategy, and it clearly was already demonstrated to work perfectly! She wasn’t going to go ahead and intentionally dig her grave further –she’d already intentionally done that, after all—but why bother when she would be saved by bribery any moment now? Ah, there it was. Polina quickly noted that she would have to have a large selection of sweets ready at a moment’s notice –not that she didn’t already—to bribe Lyssa with to keep her mother away, because the Farisian maid was sure that the older women would likely have more problems with her in the future. Having stoically met Myrilla’s snarling up until now, she couldn’t help but to derive amusement from her interaction with her daughter even as she kept her outer façade stone-faced. Polina did have to agree with Lyssa, though. She was getting pretty hungry. [b]“It did,”[/b] she nodded, once Lucrecia approached her. [b]“Less time spent being overly cautious meant there was more time to exterminate the threat. The young lady here was saved because of that.”[/b] What Polina didn’t know what to do with, though, was the young girl that was still clinging to the frills of her dress. Considering that she’d just narrowly avoided more than a tongue-lashing from her superior, she didn’t try to reengage the woman. Instead, she turned to the girl, kneeling down and giving her a pat on the head as well. [b]“Would you like some food? You must be hungry after all this while.” [/b]