One can be forgiven for thinking that Jazdia's tendency to give ample warning before escalating the situation stemmed from her elven heritage that value lives whenever possible, but no. It was actually for her own benefit; it was easier to kill when you know the enemy deserved it and yet refuses to make a better call. Call it reckless, injudicious, or exploitable weakness, she did not care, it was a hell lot easier to sleep with more bruises than a dent in her conscience. Kaito, however, being her closest associate in this sorties apparently did not share a similar code of honor. Three illusionary copies of him joined the effort with his real self to attack the old man from four different directions but then got repelled easily as he conjured an invisible force to shield himself and knock the incoming fox away with its backlash. For the record, Kaito started it, triggering a premature engagement that the mage himself had already made clear that would only prolong this banter and the fight has to happen anyway. The arrow released as naturally as it was a breathing motion. An immediate answer for the wizard's refusal to reconsider his stance on this impertinent action of ruining a good breakfast and high treason. To respond to that feedback, his book sprang to life and deflected the arrow, then some more others that came subsequently. The arrow landed a mere meter away from the wizard's foot, but he turned to his subordinate instead, sparing some words to berate him before sending forth a doping spell. While the arrow was ignored as if it was a mere failure; an elegant way to mock Jazdia's magical aptitude and deem it unworthy of attention. The violet luster on that arrow was never intended to steal attention, it was, in fact, a side effect that Jazdia would be more than happy to get rid of. But that was how it was. And it glowed even brighter now before a small eye contact from Jazdia's violet eyes triggered its magical fuse. As the fire and dust and crystalized fragment erupted violently on the floor in front of the wizard, Jazdia prepared another arrow and have it enchanted with explosive command.