Hello! Yep, the white wizard himself. [url= https://twitter.com/myelessar/status/1514755047241965571?s=46&t=5323_buexrTQnyA9Hf2_JA]Love seeing[/url] some Middle-Earthlings rockin’ shades. There’s actually quite a few AI roleplay bots out there, most of them not very good yet imo. If you’re curious, I think NovelAi and AiDungeon are considered two of the better ones. Of course, RP’ing with actual people is a whole lot more fun, but unless the server crashes, the AI won’t drop out on you. That, and it won’t question any, uhhhh, NSFW story decision you make, which is a big draw for a lot of people lol. Let me know if you check it out, would love to hear your thoughts!