[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rIfU6QM.png[/img][/center] What was the situation here? Verity was up perhaps a good seven or so meters on a coconut tree. Her feet ached from the vine-woven straps she had looped them around, from the surface of the palm tree she dug into the soles. The squatting position pulled at her inner thigh muscles, and she could feel the sweat building in her hands. What was [i]her[/i] situation here? She was fine. The mechanics were simple. She could still hear the words of the people beneath her. She had strength to spare, at least enough to make it halfway. Better to descend completely though; she was just wearing a bikini, after all. And if she fell here, no one had the phone to call a hospital to send her to so she could spend a worthless amount of money to get all her bones and organs back into place and maybe buy them off of people who don't need them if she really had to. Which was to say, Verity wasn't going to fall. Indeed, she was so confident in all this, that she extended her legs once more. Hopped up once more. And climbed up to the very top of the palm tree, her hands grasping onto the limbs as she lifted herself up into the dense growth. From below, Victor and Orlando would see her form disappear within the fronds, until only her face peeked out. Only her mouth. Only the same unreasonably confident smile that she perpetually had. And then, Verity descended. Swung from a branch to catch the trunk between her feet, then stabilized her positioning with her hands. Dropped her feet in and out, breaking down her fall into several short ones as the vines scraped and [i]teared[/i] against the rough bark. The burn was in her own palms now, calluses reddened by her haphazard method. It definitely wasn't as stable, as secure, as her way up, but wasn't that the way for all climbs? It took ten seconds for her feet to touch the dirt once more, and the pale-skinned girl was happy to peel her wraps off her feet. She lifted them up one by one into a shaft of sunlight, admiring the dark red marks that the vines had left behind. Circulation felt amazing now, as did the freedom of being able to rotating her feet, flex each digit individually. Her palms came next, and she pulled the splinters out, flicking them into the brush like unwanted pests. There'll be bruising for sure, and she could go for a footbath, but for now... [b]"Well, there's that."[/b] Two claps. The others were flocking over now. Flies to food, but her expression expressed none of the disgust that such expression would have impressed. It settled instead upon Orlando, then bounced towards Victor. [b]"Gonna go exploring?"[/b] A final, offhand glance towards the most nervous of them all. The flirt. Figures. Time to do the last thing from that video then. Picking up a coconut, Verity weighed it in her hand, admired its green-ish sheen, and then smashed its husk against the side of the tree that birthed it. Spiderweb fractures burst out its surface, droplets of sweetened water dribbling out to snake down her fingers. But she didn't partake, and instead tossed it over to speedo-boy. [b]"Drink. It's hot."[/b]