Alex rolled over so that she was laying flat on her back. Determination flashes in her eyes, the steel cold purple pools just glinting with light. She could feel the power, but something was blocking it. The voice from the door finally coming in clear, [color=red]“Alex, are you injured? Can you get out? You need to open the door. Alex.”[/color] She scrunched her face up in confusion. Something about the voice pulled at the back of her head, but she didn't recognize it. Rolling back over onto her stomach, she pulled her arms underneath her chest and felt a sharp sting in her neck from the movement in her shoulder. Just at the base of her neck, there was something sticking out from her spine. The whole area covered in a thick layer of days old dried blood. She felt that the area around it was inflamed and warm. Possibly infected. [color=7ea7d8][i]That would explain the headache.[/i][/color] She couldn't focus on that now, she needed to get up and face the voice on the other side of the door. Grimmacing from the pain that raked over her whole body, Alex pushed her palms hard into the cold metal of the floor and brought her torso up. Using her back against the wall to slide her body up, she was able to stand. She felt like she was carrying 50 pounds of dead weight. [color=7ea7d8][i]Atlas, with the weight of the world on his shoulders...[/i][/color] She dryly scoffed to herself as she made her way towards the door of the pod. As she rested her hand on the door, she felt a nervous ball settle in the pit of her stomach. She lost her powers, her family was torn in pieces, she's a fugitive from the most dangerous intergalactic organization. It's a gang really. And now she's here, with amnesia of all things. She sighed and turned the handle. The door seemed to swing open of its own accord, revealing a shaply dressed man, poised to almost perfection, except the worried crease in his brow. [color=7ea7d8][i]Why is he looking at me like that?[/i][/color] She eyed him up and down, taking in his features. Perfectly pressed slacks, not a single thread out of place on his perfectly tailored jacket. Deep dark eyes, almost emotionless if it wasn't for the rest of his face and body language giving away his concern for her. [color=7ea7d8][i]Does he know me?[/i][/color] She studied the mans face for a moment more before her eyes drifted to the... walls? She turned around to look at the pod behind her, the glass window still showing lush greenery from outside. Turning back to look at the man in the doorway, she pulled her hand up to her face, letting it rest on her hairline. Confused, and frankly frustrated, she says "[color=0072bc]I don't know who you are, or where I am but I can already tell you,[/color]" she paused and let her hand fall back to her side as she slumped on the doorway. "[color=0072bc]"I need a doctor. And a fucking drink.[/color]" [@Dark Light]