Her swears and demands only brought a faint smile to his lips, any hint of concern quickly vanishing as though it never existed. With a casual yet elegant motion he firmly took her arm in his. Through gentle pressure he offered a surprising amount of support. [i]”Sadly, I can only guarantee you one of those things. But we will see what we can do.”[/i] He said as he gently led her away from the door. As soon as neither were in its way, silently the solid wooden structure began to close, as if remaining open had put some invisible strain on it. Before it could come to a complete close however, Dorian’s eyes quickly scanned the internal of the pod, an intent gaze searching for something that wasn’t there. Step by steady step they made their way to the top of the staircase from where they could see over the whole tavern. [i]You’re going to be ok.[/i] he whispered reassuringly to Alex without turning her way. Addressing @[b]everyone[/b] in the tavern, he spoke in a calm, kind voice that carried further than expected without being loud, it gently demanded attention yet held no arrogance. It was a voice you wanted to listen to. Soothing and somehow simultaneously important. And with this entrancing smooth voice he simply asked. [i]“Is there by chance a medic or doctor in house tonight? One preferably not yet inebriated. This lady here could use your assistance.”[/i] [@timelord1101]