While the Barukstaedian warrior was certainly skilled, covering the stairs and fighting multiple opponents at once was a challenge for any warrior. While he was preoccupied, the Knight-Captain and the remaining Iron Roses were able to push past him, down the stairway and deeper into the crypt. There was little time to dwell upon the nature of the place. From the bodies lining the walls, the intricate effigies adorning each tomb, with others represented outside instead. The colorful banners, the celebration of the lives of those interred here. Thankfully many of them did not seem yet risen. Fanilly had to guide her knights. She had to act in her role. As Fanilly prepared to open her mouth, to dispense her own orders as Knight-Captain rather then relying on another, a figure emerged from an alcove. But this was no dusty, worn, decrepit undead. Fanilly drew a sharp intake of breath at his appearance. Even with her experience with Tyaethe, it was still something of a shock. He was alive and breathing, healthy-looking, aside from the deathly pale tone of his skin. The red eyes, the slight point to his ears, and his excellent condition... One didn't have to be familiar with vampires to recognize one that wasn't attempting to hide himself. This was no raised corpse. When the vampire introduced himself as Damon Cazt, there was no reason not to believe him. But why was he here? Was he the mysterious man Tili had mentioned, that she didn't know much about? And his behavior was strange, too. He had slipped the note onto the Nem? That would explain some things, but to what end? A rescue? Had he intended for all of this? There was very little time to worry about it, especially given the situation. Even if she really was still alive, they still didn't have very much time. Nor did they have many more knights, either. They couldn't afford to lose anyone else, if Serenity chose to face Damon herself. Fanilly took a deep breath. "Dame Serenity, if you are to remain here, then the rest of us must move on ahead," she began, her blue eyes once more drifting to the vampire. She was worried. She couldn't help but worry. But remaining would only jeopardize their goal even further. "Iron Rose Knights, any further threat we face, we cannot afford to split up any further. We will cut them down as swiftly as possible before moving deeper." She took a step forward, leading the knights further down into the crypt. It was there only choice. Lady Veilena's apparent ancestor had no intentions beyond a duel, it seemed, but that didn't mean she was not worried for Dame Serenity's sake. Especially given the nature of the situation. "Archers to the center," she declared. While they had few knights left, it was important to try and maintain some kind of formation. Sir Gerard was right, it was obvious that their opponents were peeling away their numbers as much as possible. While she couldn't be certain of Cazt's motivations, it was impossible to ignore the outcome. But their goal remained. Rescue the hostage and put and end to this conspiracy. As soon as Damon Cazt and Serenity disappeared from view, they were greeted with a new sound. A rattling noise from below, as something ascended the stairway. And then they appeared. The empty eye sockets and perpetual grins made Fanilly's blood freeze for a moment, her hands tensing. These undead were older bodies. Their flesh had withered away entirely, and no armor remained. The swords, axes, and spears in their hands were fresher. Fanilly knew little of mechanics of necromancy, but she recalled that skeletons were more difficult to destroy simply because of how little was left. She raised her sword. "Just as with the other undead, do everything you can to make them useless!" she declared. "Their heads, their limbs, smash them apart!" But that wasn't all. Another shadow was proceeding up the stairs, following the pack of skeletons... [@Creative Chaos][@Rune_Alchemist][@Crimson Paladin][@Psychic Loser][@VahkiDane][@HereComesTheSnow][@Erode][@Conscripts] [hr] "Yes, Rozenalt's portrayed as quite threatening," The First Princess agreed, with a nod, "As exciting as most of the novel is, scenes like Rozenalt's Antechamber, or the encounter with the Midnight Hunt, are so chilling." She smiled after a moment. "I always have to skip the latter when I'm reading with dear Maletha, she can't stand the description of the Knights of the Hunt and the Siheyar, and the part with the Eyes of the Forest bothers her too," she added, lowering her voice somewhat so as to not disturb her younger sister. She paused for a moment as she considered Sir Fionn's question. The fact that she was being preoccupied with literature, one of her passions, meant that she was being quite effectively distracted from the situation. "I'm fond of [i]The Tale of Prince Erion[/i]," she replied, "So is Maletha. It's more historical then [i]Fireheart[/i], but not without its embellishments establishing it as a work of fiction. Hmm... ah, you might like [i]The Fabulous Misadventures of Sir Gallenweigh[/i]! It's very lighthearted and fanciful, but Lady Sillen's imagination is so extravagant!" "Elei... oh, you mean like, um..." the Second Princess trailed off for a moment, "Like the Milk Bunny? Um, that's Elei too, isn't it?" She hummed the tune of the song after a moment, smiling slightly. "M-maybe Thrinax and Elei could meet some day," she offered, holding Thrinax's stubby forelimbs up with her hands, "I-I'm sure there'd be a lot for them to talk ab-" Suddenly she heard a thud from beyond the door, and some commotion. Outside was where the Crown Knights and the failed assassin remained, the Nem bound and kept under careful watch. The voice of Sir Adeforth could be heard, demanding that the Court Mage be called at once before it's too late. [@Psyker Landshark][@Raineh Daze][@The Otter]