[h3]Polina Laye[/h3][i]Farisian Maid[/i] [hr] [b]“That should mean I get a free pass with the number of sweets I’ve been feeding you,”[/b] Polina idly commented, her lips curling slightly upwards before giving a more appreciative look for her intervention earlier.[b] “Thanks for that.”[/b] Turning back to the young girl, she nodded at her response, although she still didn’t quite know how to care for the unexpected guest for the moment. She could play bodyguard very well, but Polina had never taken care of children or interacted with them very much, even in her childhood. War had a habit of interfering with such things. [b]“Very well, Akantha… let’s get you a good meal and some proper rest for you.” [/b] Turning, they nearly ran into the maids’ resident nurse. She’d made a very timely appearance, though it would seem that Akantha’s well-deserved rest and recuperation would be slightly delayed. [b]“She needs rest and a proper meal and time to process what has happened today, but otherwise she appears unharmed,”[/b] Polina explained. [b]“But giving her a checkup would be a good idea either way. What do you think, Lucrecia?”[/b]