[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aQywf5g.png[/img][/center][hr][center][h3]~???? | DECIBITUS | LUCEMA REGINI[/h3][/center][hr] It didn’t take long for someone to enter the lobby, though the smile that crossed Elliot’s features–in the form of the slightest twitch of the corner of his mouth–wasn’t exactly what one could call “pleased” in any form of the word. He knew Amelia well. Too well, considering she was but one of the reapers employed at Lucema Regini. Even before his increasingly frequent visits to the building with the sudden failure of the Departure Rail, she had been… [i][color=#ba855b]‘A disaster in motion.’[/color][/i] Mochi, however, gave a yip of glee, even as he scrambled off to god-knew-where. That was probably for the better, though Elliot was certain that the little dog would demand his offering of cheese after his curiosity had been sated. [color=#ba855b]“Ah, yes, I can think of no better place for you to be than in a crowded, glass room suspended dozens of meters off the ground floor with an unpredictable outcome looming overhead,”[/color] the mayor’s assistant said with no shortage of sarcasm. He didn’t bother catching himself with it–Amelia had visited enough times with hopes of walking Mochi that he’d found the front of extreme civility wasn’t doing either of them favors. [color=#ba855b]“But as luck would have it, you might be one of the few that can help at the moment.”[/color] Glancing back toward the way he’d come, the brunette turned back to face Amelia with a small, helpless shrug of his shoulders. [color=#ba855b]“I came to ask Miss Death for her usual oversight on the yesterday’s arrivals to the city, but she seems to have slipped out of her office.”[/color] Which was odd, in and of itself. Miss Death wasn’t the type to leave her quarters and even less likely to do so without giving anyone forewarning. [color=#ba855b]“You talk to her more than the typical reaper, right? Any chance she let slip that she had a meeting somewhere? Maybe with Uchi?”[/color] Elsewhere, Mochi was haphazardly pawing up at Aron’s hand, his nose wriggling in the air to catch the scent of some sweet treat being held out. Though his head was turned to the reaper, the canine’s eyes kept darting back to his owner and Amelia, tail wagging and feet pattering on the floor with a sort of impatient apprehension usually reserved for young children waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve. Then, a light of mischief that seemed far, far too human for any dog to attain came to life in the corgi’s eyes. He dropped back to the floor with a soft [i]tap[/i]. [color=#efaf68]“Worf! Worf worf!”[/color] Then, a set of tiny, terrible teeth was at work, Mochi’s small-but-mighty frame tugging at any part of Aron’s shoe that he could latch onto to try and drag the much-larger reaper toward Elliot and Amelia. The force was hardly anything to write home about, but the dog’s excitement meant missed nips and an overeager snout ramming into Aron’s shin with each attempted yank. After all, Amelia meant he was going to get cheese! And he could still get the cookies if he brought the snack man with him![hr] [hider=NOTES][list][*]Feel free to ping [@PapiTan] for a collab to make conversational bits smoother! [*]Sorry, Aron.[/list] [@banjoanjo][@Lasrever][/hider]