[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/951907880779538452/1045156902889341028/Lady_Ariella_Edwards_1.png?width=519&height=551[/img][/center] [color=slateblue]Time:[/color] 1pm [color=F0E399]Location:[/color] Lovers lake [color=slateblue]Mention:[/color] [@Helo] Callum [color=F0E399]Appearance[/color]:[url=https://846c9959e9b6355d2066-b3c41bc37d01be348e5aa44f2ed6d3f4.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/product-original-1215011-357364-1505557696-b2c9d11d13773ad36311aa2d5c91098f.jpg]Dress[/url], [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ca/ab/d2/caabd28d4bd6e8e500e454ac74af8474.jpg] Hair style but red [/url],[url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e4/53/ff/e453ff7047d1b03d07aab6293c1ebb4e.jpg] shoes [/url] Ariella let out a deep breath as the silence in the carriage was comforting. The carriage rumbled around as she peeked out the window to see the view around her start to become greener and lush with trees and flowers. Her head stuck out the window with her hair whipping back behind her as a smile spread on her face. The clean air refreshed her from the previous engagement she just left. The prince's ball was interesting, to say the least, and she was rather surprised to find someone like Callum..she paused...Prince Callum there. She wasn't sure what to expect when she went but she was happy to have at least had the pleasure of that short and brief conversation with him. She shut her eyes as the sun beamed down on her face as bits of her hair decorations flew out into the wind. --- The carriage came to a stop after what felt like a very long time. Ariella with swift haste opened the door and nearly exploded out of the carriage as her rather overdressed appearance seemed to draw eyes to her. She was used to the looks, her mother always overdressed her but Ariella over the years found ways to make herself more comfortable. Reaching down she took off her shoes and tossed them into the carriage. Using the door as a shield she reached under her dress and took out the crazy amount of layers and petticoats that were stuffed under her dress. Tossing the lump of fabric the dress hung closer to her body now, as she reached down and grabbed the tail of her dress and pulled it up looping it through her waistband. Her legs and bloomers were practically visible to everyone however Ariella didn't care. She was at home in nature and she needed to ground herself. Shutting the carriage door, she held a basket on her arm that she had packed earlier in the day. Inside was some food, drinks, and even a blanket. Thankfully she was also able to sneak in a book as well for some entertainment. Taking off towards the lake she made her way down the trail, Her eyes wide with amazement as the lake came into view. The sound of the rushing water, all the chatter from the various visitors, and the sounds of splashing and laughter just filled her heart with ease. She walked towards a rather nice spot in the shade under some trees. Setting down her basket she pulled out the blanket and fluffed it in the air landing it on the grass. Taking a seat on the blanket, she pulled out her book and just soaked in the beauty around her.