Flicker had no interest in glory or praise, merely in helping drive back the enemy as best as they could and supporting those who needed it. As such, they nodded towards Cascade after the water genasi had finished speaking. [color=f7941d]"Same for me,"[/color] they said, folding their arms and attempting to look as awake and alert as they could despite their exhaustion. [color=f7941d]"Just point me to where I'm needed."[/color] Unlike Cascade, they had no divine power on their side, so they had to resort to running. Thankfully, their monk training meant they were fast enough on their feet to zip around the battlefield, relieving any flagging fighters and coming to the aid of those who were being outnumbered. As they were still tired after the incident at the tower, they decided to use their ki to strengthen them, keeping their reflexes as sharp as they were when they were well-rested, and giving them the power needed to beat back any enemies that crossed their path.