[hr][hr][center][h3][color=E3867F][b]Peregrine Mayfield[/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://img.wattpad.com/0f664d58add9fc641cdf612673a5c79c790c043d/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6434384b76746c45504e442d31773d3d2d3539333533383432382e313535303965623563383539366262613531323735393030393638322e676966[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=E3867F]Location:[/color][/b] The Mall [b][color=E3867F]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [url=https://discord.com/channels/385589314030927873/540051583430295574/1072186333595963394\]Fit Of The Day[/url] [hr][/center] [color=494B8D]"So this is a mall?"[/color] Detective Edward White had never stepped foot in a mall before today. This was for two reasons. One: He hated shopping with a passion. Unless it was for necessities, he would rather go to the dentist for dental surgery. And two: He was dead. Well, dead was subjective. Like, physically, yes, Detective Ed was done-zo. Killed way back when before the internet and cell phones were a thing. This was where Peregrine stepped in. [color=E3867F]"Yep! Basically, a whole bunch of different stores and restaurants are put into one giant building so people can come and get everything they need in one fell swoop!"[/color] Peregrine was walking along the pathways having come with some of the others from the mansion. Peregrine shivered a bit, recalling meeting everyone there. There was a tenseness she could sense, even without her acute empathic abilities. Whatever it was, she decided against bugging people about it until they were ready. But she hoped this trip to the nearby mall would serve as a way of popping some of those social bubbles! The sheer amount of people who were shy and withdrawn at that mansion, you would think it was a mental hospital for the socially anxious! Granted, she was one to talk. Looking at her now, with her colorful outfit and silver hair, one would never have thought that there was a period in her life when she was the quiet one. She served to never fall back into that again. Which was why she was at the mall. Speaking to a dead guy. In clear view of others. Awkward. [color=E3867F]"Not your scene, I know, but I remember you asking to learn more about the modern world whenever possible. There serves no better tutorial than the mall. It is a meeting place for people of all ages. You got the teens skipping school, the moms with too much money, the stoners, and the criminals. Each working together in this little microcosm."[/color] She could sense that Detective Ed was not too thrilled. [color=494B8D]"And you like this?"[/color] Peregrine shrugged. [color=E3867F]"Like is a strong word. I enjoy it when I go shopping, but the mall can feel too crowded. Plus, even you would be surprised at the number of spirits and ghosts that walk along the mall too."[/color] Peregrine surmised that part of it was for innocent reasons, but she also was aware that the mall was a prime location for active shooters. And she wouldn't be surprised if the mall was built on top of graves. Peregrine kept her eye out for any of the others that came with her. She hoped to get to know them all but recognized it would take time. She was the new girl, after all. [color=E3867F]"Well, while we walk and see about getting to know the other peeps from the mansion, let me introduce you to one of the mall's prime delicacies: corn dogs."[/color] [color=494B8D]"What is a corn dog?"[/color] Detective Ed asked, with a visible worried look.