An, elf huh? Krin looked the boy up and down after downing the vile draught in his glass "[color=9e0b0f]Do I look like a bartender boy?[/color]" he said, voice sounding rough as he swallowed the swill "[color=9e0b0f]I ain't your nurse maid kid. Get it yourself. [/color]" he slid the bottle over to the boy, grumbling about elf this and noble that it was hard to make out with the commotion coming from nearby. [@MasterLink] Krin turned staring at the Commissar, lady was damn intimidating but not enough to make an old warrior like him shake in his boots like some of the nannies who noticeably inched away from her. She was just another person in the bar, unlike a fucking server or waiter. [@MrCellophane] Another stranger made their way to the bar, at least he had the right state of mind to not bother someone like Krin with any god damn pleasantries. Just gave him and the elf boy a stare, kinda stare a demon would give if they were weighing the worth of your soul. Now that made him, more on edge than some elven prick. Krin returned the strangers gaze with narrowed eyes. And a hand scratching the haft of an axe at his side "[color=9e0b0f]Oi there mister, there ain't no server so just take this bottle o' swill an' a cup. Don't give me no trouble and we won't have a reason to have trouble. Ya hear?[/color]" He returned his annoyed gaze back to the pointy earred boy "[color=9e0b0f]And you, you got some gumption assumin' who people are. Better watch yourself, some people ain't like to be asked to do your bidding.[/color]" [@Zyx]