[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KLjA6WJ.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][indent][indent]"Oh shit. She is my teacher." He playfully bonked his brow with his palm. "I thought her name was Ms. [i]Chessman[/i]. I'm going to be honest, the whole 'Cheeseman' thing is throwing me off. It doesn't sound real." Not that he could really remember what she taught or how he was doing in it. Honestly, most of his teachers seemed to tolerate him like lukewarm bathwater. Hence the reason he had a tutor. "Nope. That's her name. I mean, unless you call her 'Mom,' too, and that'd be a little weird. But, hey, it'd be nice to have a—I'm guessing—[i]younger[/i] brother." Ambrose laughed. In part because he thought his joke was hilarious, but also because there was no way that the two were related in any way. Apart from their height, they had no other similar factors. Brown looked like he was made by a child out of sticks they found on the ground. His hair was a mess. And his clothing choices didn't accent his body in a way that was flattering. Next to Brown, Ambrose looked stellar. Yet, he didn't stop walking alongside the other boy. He actually stopped, having an odd revelation while puzzling out the teacher/son/tutor relationship. "Oh shit! You know what? You and Rowan should get together. She's mousey. You're mousey." He gestured to him with wild emphasis. "I mean... like a real long mouse. Like a Cronenberg mouse. But still, definitely, a mouse." If one thought that Ambrose was drunk, they'd be wrong. He was entirely sober, or at least he hadn't imbibed any alcohol. This was just his personality. A bombastic collection of ideas, energy, and self-obsession. He held up his finger to Brown as if the other boy could even begin to stop Ambrose from typing out a message. [right][color=white][Hey Rowan! Hope ur having a gr8 festival.] [Do you have a bf? B/c there's this guy I think you should meet. Brown Chessman.] [Where r u? I'll bring him over.] [*Cheeseman] [The name autocorrects b/c it isn't real.][/color][/right] "And sent. So... where are these friends of yours?"[/indent][/indent][/color] [right][sub][b]TAG(S):[/b] [@Jumbus] [@PerfectThought][/sub][/right]