[hr] [hr] [center][h2][color=darkred]Ardere Terrane[/color][/h2][/center] Wanting to retort to the comments by the pyromancer, Ardere bit her lip and whispered her gratitude as the group moved away from her path. Sensing mild hostility from the upperclassmen, the redhead ate away her sorrows at the carnival food she ordered. Thank goodness these luxuries were free. As just another face in the crowd, Ardere continued her wandering, gazing up at the decorations, advertisements, and the various feats of superpowers being performed by the students. A part of her wanted to spectate Thor's Hammer challenge yet her body migrated to the entrance of the fortune teller. 'Hocus Bogus' as her older brother would say. Peter, for all his kindness, has little patience for this kind of superstition. Ardere almost laughed at the thought. Though there was someone already inside, the redhead was content to wait to finish her meal. She figured it would be more polite that way; not getting any stains on the tablecloth or worse, the tarot cards.