Commissar Raine - Main Tavern Floor [@Dark Cloud] Finding her way to the bar (and kindly keeping clear of the other patrons for now), Raine waited until Krin was unoccupied before - shaking her head - she fished into a trouser pocket. "I must apologise for my ... performance, earlier," the Commissar explained in crisp High Gothic, her head bobbing briefly to one side where the table still laid keeled-over and smashed. "I'll ensure that the Guardsmen responsible for their poor discipline are severely punished." She placed a number of Aquilas - one of the thousands of variants of Imperial world currency out there - onto the counter with an onyx-coloured glove. "For the damages and any outstanding bills my men had not paid." She thought momentarily before, placing her cap on the table - the winged skull leering above the brim - she placed another coin across to the bar. "And for the stiffest stuff you have that won't put me on the floor in one go."