[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Carolina Reed[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/9Fbqg1gt/image.png[/img] [I][color=cyan]Location: The Mall Skills: N/A[/color][/I][/center] [hr][hr] Carolina was glad to be back with the X-Men, she did miss everyone that was there and she was also glad that everyone was back safely after their space adventures. She had decided to go to the mall, and do a little bit of shopping she wanted to get some new clothes and maybe a few art supplies as well to. Of course she wanted to visit the food court she was getting pretty hungry at the moment, but she stuck with Annie in the vintage store. [color=cyan]"So what are you going to get?"[/color] Carolina asked Annie, as she took a moment to look around the store herself, there wasnt really anything that interested her yet really. Then her stomach started to grumble a little bit louder as she looked over at Annie. [color=cyan]"After this want to stop by the food court?"[/color] Carolina asked Annie, she wondered where all of the others were at the moment who decided to go to the mall. Carolina was kind of craving some asian food at the food court as well. [color=cyan]"So how have you been anyway what was space prison like?"[/color] Carolina decided to ask Annie looking over at her friend. [hr][hr] [center][color=696969][h1]Bethany Bell[/h1][/color] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/LsKRtFky/image.png[/img] [I][color=696969] The Mansion Skills: N/A[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Bethany spent some of the time in her room, she was glad to actually be back home, as she leaned back in her bed she woke up from a nap as Bethany stretched out a bit and grabbed her jacket. She was hungry and wanted to get something to eat as Beth decided to leave her room and headed down the hallway towards the main staircase, when she heard something behind her and turned around to see some new person in the mansion she hadn't seen before. Bethany eyed Max up and down for a moment, he didn't use the front door which was weird to her in her opinion. [color=696969]"You are in the hallway where the dorms are." Bethany said to him. "Are you looking for someone specifically?"[/color] Bethany asked the new person. [color=696969]"If you are looking for Mary, she's in the gardens I can take you if you want, or if you want a tour around the place just let me know. I'm Bethany by the way."[/color] Bethany offered to Max.