Sign me up, fuzz ball. Name: Vara Trok Call Sign: Blue Bell Age: 29 Height: 3'6 Weight: light Species: Tabaxi Hair/Fur color: Light blue (hair)/ Blue and White (fur) Eye color: Violet Unique marks: She's blue. How unique do you want her to be? -Blue 'back' with a white 'underbelly'- Abilities: Elemental - Can manipulate water and ice Background: Vara grew up in the Flying Eagle tribe on her home planet. When the humans found her home the four tribes worked together to drive the humans away since they had attempted to take the tabaxi's as pets. Once the humans were no longer a threat, war broke out through the tribes. Vara refused to fight her kind and was kicked from the military and her tribe. She left the planet to become a mercenary. Equipment: [hider=Star Ship - Star Opal] [img][/img] [/hider] Hover bike Rifles, pistols (Not sure what kind yet) Body armor EVA suit [hider=Character Pic:] [img] [/img] [/hider]