So I went through two narrative focused games (that I got for x-mas), and feel disappointed in both of them. Starting with, "Beacon Pines", [i][b]a game not shy about who its pandering too.[/b][/i] The character dialogue is probably the best part here, and was genuinely amusing at times. But the game's story threads feel completely unfinished, and the branching 'choices matter' narrative shtick did not do this game any favors. All in all, the story didn't make a whole lot of sense, and it felt like an unfinished project. (5/10? Maybe. I wish it ended a bit stronger.) Next, "Unavowed". (Another game in the Blackwell Series, that I liked for the most part.) This one had a lot of optional voiced character dialogue (that I'm sure someone will find interesting), and the puzzles for most of its gameplay are fair ones. [i]Something rare for its genre.[/i] But then it decided to have the worst level(s) and story ending to completely ruin whatever else the game had going for it. (Confusing level design, tedious backtracking, pointless walling off progress, mocks/condemns player, moon logic puzzles, awful child voice acting.) It had every bad thing you could imagine in a narrative point & click. (5/10 But I straight up dislike this one's "we're so smart/modern hollywood-esque" narrative.) [b][i]And it was bad enough to make me want to switch genres.[/i][/b] [hr] I don't have Gamepass. ([url=]For the fair trade of not spending money on an Xbox.[/url]) Thus, my Steam wishlist grows...